Getting Started

Aloha & Congratulations!

全球网赌十大网站想借此机会欢迎你来到毛伊岛夏威夷大学. We know that starting your college journey is an exciting time for you and your families and you likely have questions about "What's next?" — We have prepared this message as a guide to assist you as you begin your new life as a UH Maui ʻohana!
Classes can fill up fast! Follow the steps below to register now or call the 全球网赌十大网站 Counseling Office at (808) 984-3306 to book a meeting with a counselor!

1. 设置或重新激活您的MyUH帐户

Create or reactivate your UH username. In your acceptance notification, you should take note of your UH ID Number (ex: 23254658). 您的UH用户名将是您的电子邮件地址,如:[用户名]@夏威夷.edu.

2. Health Clearance

夏威夷州卫生局(DOH), 《夏威夷行政条例, 第11-157章要求所有这些 students to meet health requirements before they attend any post-secondary institution in the State of Hawaii. The following immunization clearances are REQUIRED before you can register for in-person and hybrid classes:
  1. 肺结核检查证明书;
  2. MMR(麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹),以及
  3. 水痘(水痘)和
  4. 破伤风白喉百日咳混合疫苗(tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis)
健康许可必须来自美国.S. 持牌医生(MD), 骨科医生(DO), 高级执业注册护士(APRN), 或医师助理(PA). You can download the Health Clearance Form 然后把它交给你的医生完成. Once completed, please s提交免疫许可通过 Med+Proctor.
没有健康检查的学生将被允许注册 online courses only.

3. Where do I submit?


The University of Hawaiʻi has partnered with Med+Proctor for the clearance of Health Immunization Records. As of Spring 2023, all incoming students are required to use Med+Proctor to submit their Health Clearance/Immunization records.
提交你的记录以供审批, 使用以下说明创建您的Med+Proctor帐户:
Step One: Register
  • Ensure you have been admitted and have a UH Student ID number and have created your UH username before completing this process. Click here 如果您需要创建您的UH用户名. 您可以在您的录取邮件中找到您的UH ID号码.
  • Then go to Med+Proctor 注册注册一个帐户.
  • 如果你有健康检查记录,可以上传到Med+Proctor. 如果没有可用的文档,您可以下载 UH Health Clearance Form 请有执照的医疗服务提供者填写表格. (A licensed provider can sign the form; it does not have to be the provider who originally vaccinated you.)
Step Three: Upload
  • Once you've collected all the necessary documents and or your form has been completed and signed by a healthcare provider, 重新登录你的账户,上传到Med+Proctor. (如果你有药房的免疫证明, 你可以上传这些信息,Med+Proctor将能够验证这些信息.)
Questions and Support
  • 如果您在使用MedProctor时遇到困难,您可以在8点至8点之间与MedProctor联系.m. and 5 p.m. 中部时间,周一到周五. 您也可以通过以下电子邮件全球网赌十大网站的代表: MedProctor also offers LiveChat services CST周一至周五上午8点至下午5点.
Med+Proctor符合HIPAA和FERPA标准. 查看他们的隐私政策. 有关Med+Proctor的帮助,请访问 to live chat or email at 他们会直接和你对话. Due to federal FERPA and HIPAA regulations Med+Proctor does not offer telephone customer support to discuss student medical records or class hold status.

3. Review Payment Options

Use Financial Aid

申请经济援助(FAFSA). The page includes forms to apply for Free Application For Federal Students Aid or FAFSA, 及其他要求(毛伊大学学院FAFSA代码:001615). 经济援助帮助学生和他们的家庭支付大学费用. There are several types of financial aid, including grants and scholarships, work-study, and loans. 经济援助奖可能包括各种援助的组合. Contact 全球网赌十大网站 Financial Aid for more information.


Pay part or all of your tuition and fees in scheduled installments by enrolling in the 呃分期付款计划. Students must be registered for the current semester to sign up for the payment plan. 每学期30美元申请费(不可退还)可以与经济援助结合使用, 贷款或奖学金(如适用). 如有进一步问题,请咨询财政援助办公室.


Please visit the U.S. Dept. 退伍军人服务网站 如何申请《退伍军人权利法案》及相关福利. 如有疑问,请联系招生处 & 记录电话:(808)984-3267或

Pay by Credit Card Online

ACH“支票”付款可通过 MyUH Services account.

Apply for Scholarships

奖学金是基于各种因素颁发的礼物援助, 比如学业成绩, leadership, field of study, and/or financial need. 奖学金不需要偿还. 请记住,奖学金季节通常从10月开始,到3月结束.



Filling out the FAFSA
and much more!

如需安排与顾问的面对面或虚拟预约,请联系 or (808) 984-2286.

4. Take the Career & 教育规划评估

First, let’s find out what you’re interested in that can help guide you with what classes to take. Take the FOCUS 2 Career & 教育规划评估.

5. 参加全球网赌十大网站在线准备测试

你准备好在线学习了吗? Complete 这个短期准备活动 看看你对在线课程准备得如何. 这个活动包含6个部分,大约需要10分钟完成. 在本次活动结束时, you will receive an emailed report outlining your readiness for online learning as well as some resources to help you prepare for an online class.

6. Class Registration

学术咨询预约可以通过面对面、视频或电话进行. 如果你还没见过或者不知道你的学术顾问是谁,不用担心, 这是按专业分类的友好辅导员名单. The Counseling office is open during the regular business days and hours: Monday through Friday 8 AM to 4:30 PM, 不包括在霍奥基帕大厦的假期.

Molokaʻi, Hāna & Lānaʻi students: 请通过snartate@hawaii与Susan naratatez联系.Edu或电话(808)984-3801了解更多信息.


学生可以使用自助指南 多重测量放置因素 决定英语和数学课程的分班. 请与你的学术顾问讨论细节.
Participation in EdReady is recommended for students who do not have any of the placement factors or those whose scores, grades, or GPA place them below ENG 22 to determine their starting course for English and Math.


这包括有大学先修课程(AP)的学生。, military credits, 以及非休斯敦大学的大学学分.
1)是否在夏威夷大学系统以外的大学就读, 向你以前就读的学校索取正式成绩单, then; 2) Complete the 转学分评估申请表.

Check for Holds

Check for holds (e.g. financial obligation, academic advising) on your account and clear them before you register. 有关hold类型和它们所防止的内容的详细说明,请单击这里.

Watch How to Register

STAR GPS Registration helps students across the University of Hawaiʻi System earn a degree with ease! In this video, you'll learn everything you need to know to use STAR for registration and more.
STAR BALANCE要安排电话或缩放预约,请访问您的 STAR Balance. 使用您的UH用户名和密码登录. (For assistance, see this short video tutorial)
如果您对电话或Zoom咨询会议感兴趣, but are having trouble scheduling an appointment via STAR Balance or need further assistance, please email for assistance. 全球网赌十大网站很棒的同行导航员之一将进一步协助您.
致电全球网赌十大网站咨询(808)984-3306. 全球网赌十大网站很棒的同行导航员之一将进一步协助您!

7. Attend Welcome Day Event

在全球网赌十大网站的学校开始新学期 Student Welcome event. At our Student Welcome, 学生将体验到以下的组合:与新朋友见面和联系 

people, 探索和阐明你的教育和/或职业目的和目标, 感受一下新环境. If you're new to UH Maui, 全球网赌十大网站非常激动地欢迎你们,并与你们一起踏上新的旅程. 继续学习和返校的学生, 全球网赌十大网站很高兴你能继续注册并朝着你的目标努力!

All registered 全球网赌十大网站 students are welcome to attend the UH Maui College's Welcome Day event!


Molokaʻi & Lānaʻi students: 请与Susan naratatez联系 或致电(808)553-4490. 3) for more information.

Questions? 与EOC和学生同伴导航员联系!


教育机会中心(EOC) 三重奏项目是由美国教育部资助的吗. EOC provides information & 为希望接受高等教育的个人提供学术援助. 职业支持也可以通过基于网络的视频会议工具Zoom获得.
You can connect with one of our team members remotely, and receive these free services:

  • 确定经济援助方案
  • 提交联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)
  • College Transfers
  • Career Exploration
  • Resume Building and More!
Contact: or (808) 984-3286


全球网赌十大网站友好的学生同伴导航员团队可以协助 Getting Started Guide、一般查询、校园转介及STAR GPS导航.
Students can schedule an appointment with one of our Peer Navigators with any questions and concerns that they may have and go through them together to take action. After the appointment, students can further schedule an appointment with an academic counselor. 常见问题的例子有:
  • 我的UH用户名或电子邮件是什么?
  • 总的来说,注册过程是怎样的?
  • 我如何注册课程
  • 我怎样才能报名
  • 下学期我需要或应该上什么课?
Contact: or (808) 984-3700

Let's Stay Connected

UH Email
One of the best ways to stay connected to class and campus information is to check your email daily. Instructors, administration and other campus programs will send important information frequently including notifications for class cancellations and important deadlines.
Social Media @uhmaui
Follow our Instagram and/or Like our Facebook page to keep up to date.
全球网赌十大网站 Mobile App
与学生会合作, 毛伊大学开发了一款新的应用程序,让校园触手可及, 允许您访问您的UH电子邮件, 与Laulima和MyUH Services联系, navigate around campus, and more! 现在在iOS app和Google Play商店下载“毛伊大学”应用程序.

Calendar Overview

重要日期日历 包括注册、学费支付、假期和重要的截止日期.


如有任何其他问题,请随时与全球网赌十大网站联系. 全球网赌十大网站很乐意为您服务!

Admissions & Records
(808) 984-3267
Financial Aid
Website | Email
(808) 984-3277
Personal Counseling
(808) 984-3248

First-Year Experience
Website | Email

Student Helpline
(808) 984-3700

Cashier’s Office
Email | (808) 984-3257
Kākoʻo Support Services
Website | Email | (808) 984-3359
Student Life
Website | Email | (808) 984-3433
Counseling Office
(808) 984-3306
Website | (808) 984-3715
Text/SMS (808) 518-4080
The Learning Center (TLC)
Website | Email | (808) 984-3240

Website | (808) 553-4490

Lāna'i Education Center
(808) 565-7266

Hāna Education Center
(808) 248-7380